Day 6
Toy Clydesdale
(6x8", Oil) Price: $100.00

I love the rich warm brown backcloth, so I've been using it a bit, and will probably use it more in the future. It's a perfect accompaniment to still lifes. Anyway, the horse in question is a plastic toy made by a German company, and I kind of liked the way he looked like he was moving. He didn't look static or stiff at all, which means the sculptor of this animal was very gifted. Hopefully, I've translated it fairly well into paint.
I used only four colours for this painting: Burnt Sienna, French Ultramarine, Transparent Gold Ochre, and Titanium white. It was a nice exercise in restraint. Two brushes: a small size 6 synthetic Filbert, and the same 1/2" Flat (synthetic) that I used on the Gargoyle painting from Day 5.
One thing about these small canvasses, aside from being oil-painting practice, it proves just how dexterous an artist can be using only minimal tools. One can surpise oneself, if only one will try.
See you tomorrow,
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