Little Panda
Little Panda
(6x8", Oil) Price: $160.00 SOLD
Well, I finally left the writing behind for a bit and did a painting. There was a good reason though: the Grand Reopening of The Art Corner in Salem, MA. Following a fire there in late April, the store has reopened in temporary new premises around the corner. Bob and I were invited up to 'paint in the window' on the day, so we did. It was going to be a bit nervy for me though, as I hadn't painted in months, and I had to start one cold. Urk. I did it though! This little panda bear started off a bit wonky, but he came out true in the end. I'm rather proud of this one, since I've been wanting to paint a panda for absolutely ages.
Palette included: Titanium White, Cadmium Lemon, Burnt Sienna, Sap Green, Terre Verte, Ultramarine Blue, and Alizirin Crimson. Two Filbert brushes and two small Rounds, plus the usual big fluffy blending brush. 6x8" canvas board, gessoed a couple extra times for smoothness.
Below is the little guy in situ. I still love my litte painting box. I wish I used it a bit more than I do.
Below is the little guy in situ. I still love my litte painting box. I wish I used it a bit more than I do.

To read more about The Art Corner, the fire, and our painting day, go to my other blog, Muse du Jour
Labels: Marianne Plumridge, Panda Bear, The Art Corner
What a cutie -- the painting turned out very nice! You don't seem "rusty" at all ; )
Hi John-san!!
Thanks! Now that I've broken the ice, I may just get back to painting a puffin and the odd pointy rocket ship. :-D Have to have something to show in Denver.
You know, your icon somehow reminds me of the insane, burn image of the looney captain of Icarus I in the movie 'Sunshine'. We watched it again last night...
Panda - utterly gorgeous!
Painting box - bloody brilliant and I covet it like mad!
Hi Rosemary!
Thanks. The painting box is a Guerilla Painter Box 6x8" Pochade. Bob's is a 9x12" one. I like to paint small. :-D Anyway, we bought them for ourselves two christmasses ago and never looked back. I'm very fond of my little paintbox. :-D I don't know if you can get them in Australia, but Judsons Plein Air Suppliers has them online - we got ours from there and they even have 'shop worn ones' on sale sometimes.
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