Day 41
Spindrift Moon
(8x10", Oil) Price: $80.00 SOLD

This is the painting I mentioned a couple of days ago. And yes, there are parts of it that are still drying - the impasto white bits, of course. Anyway, although this is not a good reproduction, it's the best I can do for the moment. 'Spindrift Moon' is an extrapolation of the initial idea I used in the little 'Moon Fantasy' piece from a few days ago. The same palette and idea, and just added the dolphins above water and underwater.
Unfortunately, the white highlights have become light blue - so much for the distinction of the Digital camera. I believe the technology has a long way to go before it perfects the capture of Pthalo Blues and Greens.
In the right light, this painting - like its predecessor - glows.
Meanwhile, it's back to birds for tomorrow I think.
See you then,
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