Day 30
Sandra's Gargoyle
(6x8", Oil) Price: $125.00 - SOLD
Bob and I went up to Salem, MA, yesterday to do a painting demonstration at The Art Corner framing shop and gallery on Washington Street. Well, we set up our brand new Guerilla paintboxes and painted while various patrons peeked over our shoulders, anyways. This was an enormous hurdle for me to get over: painting in public. My internal mantra was 'if I can do this at home in the studio, then I can certainly do this here'. The shop was genial. So was the company and the visitors. Mind you, we did pause occasionally, paintbrushes poised, and waited to see if any passers by the window would stop and lick the splendid ice sculpture outside the door. I think the boys wanted to see if anyone's tongue got stuck on the ice. My painting partners were Charles (aka, Chuck) Lang and my husband, Bob Eggleton. I managed to paint the gargoyle above, Chuck worked on a painting of lots of green and red apples, while 'whiz bang Bob' got two splendid landscapes done. See his blog for those.
Anyway, the gargoyle in question is a casting of a sculpture created by friend and fellow artist, Sandra Lira. Sandra sells various sizes of this gargoyle through various catalogs and shops. This one happens to be in situ, in the garden of another friend, Robert. I took these photos in early Fall about four years ago, and have wanted to paint it for a long time. He's got great attitude - the gargoyle, not Robert. There was no suitable place to set up the still life stuff that I'd brought with me to the shop, so I pulled out one of the photos I'd packed at the last minute. So there will be toy mammoth paintings another time...
The palette was French Ultramarine, Burnt Sienna, Sap Green, Cadmium Yellow Light, Transparent Gold Ochre, Titanium White, and a little Permanent Green Light.
Here is my 'you beaut' little paint box - only 6x8" big - set up in the shop.

Bob and I went up to Salem, MA, yesterday to do a painting demonstration at The Art Corner framing shop and gallery on Washington Street. Well, we set up our brand new Guerilla paintboxes and painted while various patrons peeked over our shoulders, anyways. This was an enormous hurdle for me to get over: painting in public. My internal mantra was 'if I can do this at home in the studio, then I can certainly do this here'. The shop was genial. So was the company and the visitors. Mind you, we did pause occasionally, paintbrushes poised, and waited to see if any passers by the window would stop and lick the splendid ice sculpture outside the door. I think the boys wanted to see if anyone's tongue got stuck on the ice. My painting partners were Charles (aka, Chuck) Lang and my husband, Bob Eggleton. I managed to paint the gargoyle above, Chuck worked on a painting of lots of green and red apples, while 'whiz bang Bob' got two splendid landscapes done. See his blog for those.
Anyway, the gargoyle in question is a casting of a sculpture created by friend and fellow artist, Sandra Lira. Sandra sells various sizes of this gargoyle through various catalogs and shops. This one happens to be in situ, in the garden of another friend, Robert. I took these photos in early Fall about four years ago, and have wanted to paint it for a long time. He's got great attitude - the gargoyle, not Robert. There was no suitable place to set up the still life stuff that I'd brought with me to the shop, so I pulled out one of the photos I'd packed at the last minute. So there will be toy mammoth paintings another time...
The palette was French Ultramarine, Burnt Sienna, Sap Green, Cadmium Yellow Light, Transparent Gold Ochre, Titanium White, and a little Permanent Green Light.
Here is my 'you beaut' little paint box - only 6x8" big - set up in the shop.

Anyway, more tomorrow!
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