Day 22
Madame K
(After John Singer Sargent's 'Madame X')
(9x16", Oil) Price: $200.00

Okay, so I painted this yesterday in a mad panic that I wouldn't make the deadline at Spring Bull Gallery in Newport, RI today. Spring Bull holds an annual show each February called "Fabulous Fakes and Forgeries" where the artists paint or sculpt a copy of a famous work, or a parody of one. The choice is up to the artist. I've been planning this one since last year, but time got away on me - I thought I had another week! So, sketched up on Saturday night and painted yesterday. Used probably too much turps in with the medium, but I baked the finished product under two hundred watt lamps, and it was dry this morning when I went to spray retouch varnish on it. Sigh. Framed it and ran it over to Newport. Bob drove. He'd happily finished a nice little homage to one of his own heroes, Albert Bierstadt, yesterday too.
Why was I panicking? Well, last year, people were ringing up from all over the country to get into this show well after the midweek deadline and the show had filled up to capacity. I just squeezed in to that one too - and won a prize to boot. Best Humorous! Yes, I painted a Koala then too. To see that one, go to my Muse du Jour blog (link at left) and go to the New Years day entry. :-D
Meanwhile, I'd better go find something simple to paint this afternoon.
See you tomorrow!
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