Day 17
Old Fashioned Roses
(5x7", Oil) Price: $75.00

Sorry for the delay. I was waiting for paint to dry...
More roses! I haven't been able to identify these yet, but they looked so pretty climbing up someone's fence, I had to take a photo in passing. They look old-fashioned, because of the multitude of petals and full blooms. Reminds me of Victorian ruffles. However, my knowledge of flowers is patchy at best, so they really could be modern hybrids. But I like my romantic notion better...
Anyway, it was painted with another huge interruption in the middle: we had some friends over and held a model shoot/photography get together - with sushi! Got some nice reference photos for future use, and my husband is now happy that he has a references for a personal work he wants to paint. However, I finished the piece at midnight, and wasn't completely happy with it then. After a good sleep, it looked better in the morning light, I'm happy to say.
The palette was limited to: Burnt Sienna, French Ultramarine, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Red Deep, and Titanium White.
Must get back to the easel!
See you tomorrow,
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