Day 26
Muir Beach Sunset
(4x6", Oil) Price: $55.00

Finally got down to using smaller sized canvases! I lurk and post on an artists site called WetCanvas - - in the Miniature Art section. Well, one of their moderators, Val, threw out a 'let's do this' thread on miniature landscapes. So I did some. This is the first one. The photograph unfortunately doesn't do it justice or capture all of the detail: it was bitterly cold outside today and made my fingers ache in the few minutes it took to take photos of paintings. They were still wet from yesterday - too much so to put them on the scanner.
Anyway, this is Muir Beach somewhere along the Big Sur in California. Bob and I went there for three days back in 1998 just after we got married. We were there for a convention, but kicked back with no phone or tv for three days, and sat in front of an open fire each evening. Days were spent walking the beaches, meeting seagulls, and taking many, many photos.
Next one tomorrow,
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