Day 59
Little Dust Devil
(6x8", Oil) Price: $110.00 SOLD

Sorry the reproduction quality of this image is a bit rough.
I finished this rather quickly last night. The preliminary painty sketch of the baby elephant had been done several weeks ago - before I put it aside in a fit of 'feeling useless' pique. I found the canvas again this week, while I was looking for something else. So last night, I thought I'd better put the little chap out of his misery and finish him. I swirled in the dusty background and foreground with a big Filbert brush and a soft blending brush. Tweaked a couple of anatomical points, and laid in fresh paint. It did hit me that this kind of painting needs to be done in stages rather than one single session. That's probably why I felt frustrated with it before: everything else in this series has been done in one sitting - albeit long sittings.
So I finally painted a cheeky baby elephant. He's having so much fun blowing dust everywhere and running around in it. Maybe I should work this up into a bigger painting sometime.
Palette consisted of: Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue, Transparent Gold Ochre, and Titanium White. Some big brushes and some little brushes: mostly Filberts and Rounds.
I guess I'd better go find something else to paint.
See you tomorrow,
A bloody good thing you finished this one, it's absolutely beautiful! I love the warm colours against the elephants skin. Who'da thunk?
Your blending (? not sure of the technical term) of the dust is just spot on.
This one's a real winner. Fantastic work (as usual!)
Love Annie
Ta, Lady Annie!
Me and my big fluffy blending brushes. :-) I talk about them now and then on the blog. I love
'smoodging' as I call it: dollops of colour swirled with the whisk of a soft brush.
I do love working with either earth tones or water tones. Other combinations get complicated. :-D
All I have to do now, is decide what to paint next. :-)
oh wow...just great...I LOVE this.
Thanks, Sandy... :-D
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