Day 43
(4x5", Oil) Price: $140.00 SOLD

I was really, really tired when I started painting this, so it's a bit of a contrast to yesterday's flashy white peacock. I wasn't even sure that this one was going to turn out, but I persevered. Just as I was putting the finisheing touches to the beak and tweaking feathers, it sort of suddenly all fell into place, and I rather like it after all.
The kookaburra is a famous Australian native bird, and forms the Aussie branch of the Kingfisher family. Colloquially, it's called the 'laughing jackass'. It's got a very distinctive call that sounds like racous laughter, so I suppose it is apt. The subject for this painting was a photo I took at a small wildlife park in Sydney, which I took Bob to on his first trip downunder. The bird seemed really calm amongst all of the wandering humans, as did most of the birds and animals wandering free or fenced in. I remember one young emu thought Bob was soft touch. It followed him around, and when Bob's attention was elsewhere, the emu snuck it's head under Bob's arm and it's beak into the open seed bag Bob was holding. Sneaky bugger.
Anyway, the palette was: French Ultramarine, Burnt Sienna, Cobalt Blue, Cadmium Yellow Hue, Cadmium Lemon, a tiny bit of Alizirin Crimson, and Titanium White.
Well, on to the next birdie!
See you tomorrow,
Hi Marianne,
Jeepers-creepers, where do you find the time for all that output - and two blogs.
Nice artwork. My favourite is the spindrift moon. And the peacock has a haunting beauty as well.
Instead of scanning your oils, why not photograph 'em and upload the images straight onto your blog. Less drama, less work, and less chance of stuffing up your scanner plate with a rogue blob of semi-dried paint.
Try it and let me know how you go.
Hi David,
Thanks for stopping by! Spare time, what's that? :-D I started out with painting one little piece per day, but I'm lucky if can manage more than three per week now. Though, I do try.
My other blog is more of a weekly thing.
I havent actually laid a painting on the scanner in months. BOb and I take our paintings outside when the sun is shining and take photos with my nifty little digital Nikon 5600. :-D However, like most digital cameras, and the amateurs that drive them, the pthalo blues and greens don't come out at all well. The scanner was just another option, is all. :-D
Thanks for all of the nice comments!
PS: See you back on your blog!
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